Goodwill of NEPA –Community Housing: Goodwill Industries of NEPA operates thirteen (13) Community Living Arrangements (CLA) in Luzerne and Lackawanna Counties. These homes provide a safe living environment for individuals who are intellectually and developmentally disabled and unable to live independently. The staff assists individuals with daily activities such as community integration, proper hygiene, monitoring medications, money management, preparing meals, maintaining proper diets as well as transporting residents to appointments, shopping and other activities. All group homes are licensed by the Department of Public Welfare.
Mother/Infant Program at St.Joseph’s Center: This transitional housing program provides a safe, supportive environment for homeless mothers and their babies. The mothers participate in parenting education and life skills programs. They receive support and assistance in obtaining employment and permanent housing; the goal of the program is to give these women the tools to become self-sufficient. Women interested in the program should contact us during their pregnancies. For more information: 570-558-5050 or email women@stjosephscenter.org
117 Mountain View Way, Scranton, PA 18508
(570) 346-1200
Geneva House: affordable Apartment Living for Seniors Age 62 and Over.
Laurel Woods Town Houses , in suburban Scranton, PA, is a rental community that brings the feel of single family living to affordable housing.
Housing Authority of the County ofLackawanna, inventory includes 1,113 Public Housing units spread over nineteen (19) developments. They also provide rental subsidies for approximately 840 families under the HousingChoice Voucher program.